Run yang sering kita jumpai pada Star Menu dan juga merupakan sebuah jendela yang dapat kita jadikan sebagai alternatif untuk mengakses program. Sebenarnya banyak sekali fungsi jendela Run kalau kita mengetahuinya.
Selain itu RUN juga dapat berfungsi sebagai alternatif menjalankan sebuah program, fungsi Run ternyata dapat juga berfungsi untuk memanggil sebuah advance setting terhadap komputer. Silahkan sobat simak dibawah ini 112 Perintah Dalam Menu Run (Komputer) yang sobat dapat gunakan :
Accessibility Control=========> Perintah ==> access.cpl
Add Hardware Wizard =======> Perintah ==> hdwwiz.cpl
add/Remove Program ========> Perintah ==> appwiz.cpl
Administrative Tools =========> Perintah ==> control admintools
Automatic Updates ==========> Perintah ==> wuaucpl.cpl
Bluetooth Transfer Wizard =====> Perintah ==> fsquirt
Calculator ================> Perintah ===> calc
Certificate Manager =========> Perintah ==> certmgr.msc
Character Map ============> Perintah ==> charmap
Check Disk Utility===========> Perintah ==> chkdsk
Clipboard Viewer ===========> Perintah ==> clipbrd
Command Prompt ===========> Perintah ==> cmd
Component Services======= ==> Perintah ==> dcomcnfg
Computer Management =======> Perintah ==> compmgmt.msc
Date/ Time Properties ========> Perintah ==> timedate.cpl
DDE Share ===============> Perintah ==> ddeshare
Device Manager ============> Perintah ==> devmgmt.msc
Direct X Control Panel =======> Perintah ==> directx.cpl
Direct X Troubleshooter ======> Perintah ==> dxdiag
Disk Cleanup Utility====== ==> Perintah ==> cleanmgr
Disk Defragment ==========> Perintah ==> dfrg.msc
Disk Management =========> Perintah ==> diskmgmt.msc
Disk Partition Manager ======> Perintah ==> diskpart
Display Properties =========> Perintah ==> control desktop
Display Properties =========> Perintah ==> desk.cpl
Diskplay Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) ==> Perintah ==> control color
Dr. Watson System TroubleShooting Utility ==> Perintah ==> drwtsn32
Driver Verifier Utility ======> Perintah ==> verifier
Event Viewer ===========> Perintah ==> eventvwr.msc
File Signature Verification Tool ==> Perintah ==> sigverif
Findfast =================> Perintah ==> findfast.cpl
Folder Preperties ===========> Perintah ==> control folders
Fonts ==================> Perintah ==> control fonts
Fonts Folder =============> Perintah ==> fonts
Free Cell Card Game =======> Perintah ==> freecell
Game Controler ===========> Perintah ==> joy.cpl
Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) ==> Perintah ==> gpedit.msc
Hearts Card Game======== ==> Perintah ==> mshearts
Iexpress Wizard ============> Perintah ==>ixpress
Indexing Service ============> Perintah ==> ciadav.msc
Internet Properties ===========> Perintah ==> inetcpl.cpl
IP Configuration ( Menampilkan Konfigurasi koneksi ) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /all
IP Configuration ( Menampilkan Konten DNS Chache ) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /displaydns
IP Configuration ( Mendelete DNS Konten Chache ) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /flushdns
IP Configuration ( Pelepasan Semua Koneksi ) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /release
IP Configuration ( Memperbaharui Semua Koneksi ) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /renew
IP Configuration ( Refreshes DHCP dan Re.Registrasi DNS ) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /registerdns
IP Configuration ( Menampilkan DHCP Class ID ) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /showclassid
IP Configuration ( Memodifikasi DHCP Class ID ) ==> Perintah ==> ipconfig /setclassid
Java Control Panel ( Jika Diinstall ) ==> Perintah ==> jpicpl32.cpl
Java Control Panel ( Jika Diinstall ) ==> Perintah ==> javaws
Keyboard Properties ==> Perintah ==> control keyboard
Local Sececurity Setting ==> Perintah ==> secpol.msc
Local User and Group ==> Perintah ==> lusrmgr.msc
Logs You Out Of Windows ==> Perintah ==> logoff
Microsoft Chat ==> Perintah ==> winchat
Minesweeper Game ==> Perintah ==> winmine
Mouse Properties ==> Perintah ==> control mouse
Mouse Properties ==> Perintah ==> main.cpl
Network Connection ==> Perintah ==> control netconnections
Network Connection ==> Perintah ==> ncpa.cpl
Network Setup Wizard ==> Perintah ==> netsetup.cpl
Notepad ==> Perintah ==> notepad
Nview Desktop Manager ( Jika Diinstall) ==> Perintah ==> nvtuicpl.cpl
Object Packager ==> Perintah ==> packager
ODBC Data Source Administrator ==> Perintah ==> odbccp32.cpl
On Screen Keyboard ==> Perintah ==> osk
Opens AC3 Filter ( Jika Diinstall ) ==> Perintah ==> ac3filter.cpl
Password Properties ==> Perintah ==> password.cpl
Performance Monitor ==> Perintah ==> perfmon
Phone And Modem Option ==> Perintah ==> telephon.cpl
Power Configuration ==> Perintah ==> powercfg.cpl
Printer And Faxes ==> Perintah ==> control printers
Printer Folder ==> Perintah ==> printers
Private Character Edition ==> Perintah ==> eudcedit
Quicktime ( Jika Diinstall ) ==> Perintah ==> QuickTime.cpl
Regional Setting ==> Perintah ==> intl.cpl
Registry Editor ==> Perintah ==> regedit
Registry Editor ==> Perintah ==> regedit32
Remote Desktop ==> Perintah ==> mstsc
Removable Storage ==> Perintah ==> ntmsmgr.msc
Removable Storage Operator Requests ==> Perintah ==> ntmsoprq.msc
Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) ==> Perintah ==> rsop.msc
Scanner and Cameras ==> Perintah ==> sticpl.cpl
Scheduled Tasks ==> Perintah ==> control schedtasks
Security Center ==> Perintah ==> wscui.cpl
Services ==> Perintah ==> services.msc
Shared Folders ==> Perintah ==> fsmgmt.msc
Shut Down Windows ==> Perintah ==> shutdown
Sound And Audio ==> Perintah ==> mmsys.cpl
Spider Solitare Card Game ==> Perintah ==> spider
SQL Client Configuration ==> Perintah ==> cliconfg
System Configuration Editor ==> Perintah ==> sysedit
System Configuration Utility ==> Perintah ==> msconfig
System File Chacker Utility (Segera Scan) ==> Perintah ==> sfc /scannow
System File Checker Utility (Pindai Sekali Pada Boot Berikutnya) ==> Perintah ==> sfc /scanonce
System File Checker Utility (Scan Seluruh Boot) ==> Perintah ==> sfc /scanboot
System File Checker Utility (Kembali ke Setting Default) ==> Perintah ==> sfc /revert
System File Checker Utility (Purge File Chache) ==> Perintah ==> sfc /purgechache
System File Checker Utility(Set Chache Size untuk ukuran x) ==> Perintah ==> sfc /chachesize=x
System Properties ==> Perintah ==> sysdm.cpl
Task Manager ==> Perintah ==> taskmgr
Telnet Client ==> Perintah ==> telnet
User Account Management ==> Perintah ==> nusrmgr
Utility Manager ==> Perintah ==> utilman
Windows Firewall ==> Perintah ==> firewall.cpl
Windows Magnifier ==> Perintah ==> magnify
Windows Management Infrastructure ==> Perintah ==> wmimgmt.msc
Windows System Tool ==> Perintah ==> syskey
Windows Update Launches ==> Perintah ==> wupdmgr
Windows XP Tour Wizard ==> Perintah ==> tourstart
Wordpad ==> Perintah ==> write
Untuk Aplikasi Microsoft office :
Microsoft office word 2007 ====>Perintah=====> winword
Microsoft office Excel 2007 ====>Perintah=====> excel
Microsoft office power point 2007 =====>Perintah====> powerpnt
Microsoft office Access 2007 ====>Perintah=====> msaccess
Catatan :
Disebelah kiri adalah fungsi yang akan kita panggil. Sedangkan yang disebelah kanan adalah perintah untuk mengakses fungsi tersebut.
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